Device and Access Management

Unlock comprehensive control and security across your device landscape. Our services fortify your network against unauthorized access and ensure compliance with industry standards, keeping your business data and operations both secure and seamless.

Mobile Device Management

Enhance the security and efficiency of your mobile workforce with Satelight's mobile device management (MDM) solutions. From enrollment to policy enforcement, we provide comprehensive oversight for all your mobile devices, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring seamless connectivity across your business landscape.

Data Access Management

Controlling who has access to your company data is critical. We implement robust controls to define who accesses what data and when, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure yet accessible to empower your workforce.

Configuration Management

Stay in control of device settings across your organization. We maintain the balance between flexibility and control, ensuring devices perform optimally while adhering to your specific business policies and security requirements.

Device Enrollment

We integrate and onboard your devices seamlessly, ensuring they're configured to work effectively with all the required software, services, and security from day one.

Procurement & Inventory

Satelight makes IT procurement and inventory management easy. We ensure you get the best value and performance from your IT investments, maintaining an efficient inventory that supports your technological growth and operational excellence.

Hardware Evaluations

Rely on us comprehensive hardware evaluations to ensure your IT assets deliver peak performance and reliability. Our expert assessments align your technology with business objectives, optimizing functionality and lifespan.

Procurement and Purchasing

Streamline your hardware and software acquisition process. We source the latest, most efficient technology solutions, ensuring you receive the best tools at the best value, all tailored to your company's specific needs.

Inventory Management

Our meticulous approach to asset tracking and stock control keeps your operations running without interruptions, ensuring you have the right resources on hand when needed.

Device Setup & Configuration

Satelight ensures your technology ecosystem is flawlessly integrated. We provide end-to-end configuration of devices, delivering a seamless, secure, and efficient setup tailored to empower your business processes and workflows.

Hardware Setup & Configuration

Compliance assessments provide a thorough review of your systems against regulatory standards. We deliver detailed analysis and actionable insights, helping you maintain the highest levels of compliance and operational integrity.

Server Setup & Configuration

We ensure your third-party engagements align with industry regulations. We manage and monitor your vendor relationships to uphold compliance, mitigating risks to your business.

Email Setup & Configuration

We ensure your third-party engagements align with industry regulations. We manage and monitor your vendor relationships to uphold compliance, mitigating risks to your business.

Need help with your IT? Let's talk.